Tuesday, March 27, 2012

FluXus Identity

Artistamp sheet and postcard prepared for the "Sign and Language" exhibition in Oldeberkoop, The Netherlands, 28 July to 26 August 2012.

1 comment:

Anita Mezzomo said...

Call of Art Mail: Do you give me a hand?

Topic: Hands
Size: Free
Technique: Free (NOT perishable elements)
Deadline of receipt: 30/11/2012 Send an e-mail to: anitamezzomo@yahoo.com to receive the postal address of sending.

The received material will be exposed in: http: // medasunamanoo.blogspot.com/
and it will be exposed in place to designating. Documentation will be sent. Include author information (name and surname, postal address and e-mail)
Please to spread! Anita Mezzomo